Beko energies

Beko energies

Beko is one of the most committed brands to sustainability, and reducing energy consumption in both products and manufacturing is an integral part of this. At the same time, the company is investing considerable energy in enhancing its global and local market role and...

Challenges for the industry

Challenges for the industry

The 9th International TCG Retail Summit took place in May this year. The conference series provides a unique platform for top industry leaders to exchange views on the issues that are currently affecting the industry and the future of retail. Based on the experience...

Through blue rocks to the top

Through blue rocks to the top

The BluRox technology, with its fanciful name of the English word for blue rocks, promises to be one of the most significant innovations in refrigeration, with the potential to transform the entire segment. The development is being underwritten by Liebherr, the...

Also in small domestic appliances

Also in small domestic appliances

While Black+Decker is a pretty good-sounding brand name, the brand is primarily known for its power tools, it also has an extensive range of small domestic appliances, which have recently been launched on the domestic market. We asked Andrea Mancilla, European export...

Way to the top

Way to the top

Although Haier as a company has been present in the Hungarian market for many years through the Candy and Hoover brands, Haier as a brand is making its debut in the domestic household appliance trade practically this year. In Europe, on the other hand, the Haier brand...

30 years of innovation

30 years of innovation

In 1992 LG started its operations in Hungary with only 8 employees, and in the last three decades the company has grown to become one of the most important players in the Hungarian TCG market.  The well-known and popular brand is associated with a series of...

Commerce of the future

Commerce of the future

The pandemic has caused a leap forward in time, experts say, and trade is on the verge of a transformation unprecedented, or at least not on this scale. Apart from an increase in the proportion of online sales, the change is not yet so spectacular. We asked KPMG's...



Realme has achieved 518 percent growth in the mobile phone market in 2021. For a company founded in 2018, that's not even that much to talk about, as the top of a growth curve always curves steeply upwards. However, realme is already one of the TOP4 mobile phone...

Marketplaces, the titans of e-commerce

Marketplaces, the titans of e-commerce

The importance of marketplaces in e-commerce is growing almost by the day. In five years, it is expected to account for 60% of online sales. Marketplace models cover more and more markets, offer more and more advanced solutions and are being used by more and more...

Beyond pricing

Beyond pricing

The digital price tag is nothing new today, but with the rise of online sales and the development of technology, its functions have expanded somewhat and new directions have opened up. We asked one of the leading companies in the field about the potential uses and...

További tartalmainkból:

Szeress bele az új konyhádba!

Szeress bele az új konyhádba!

Jövő tavasszal immár 15. alkalommal kerül megrendezésre a Konyhakiállítás Budapesten. A lakásfelújítás, háztartási gép vásárlás előtt állók ismét 3...

Nagy gép, kis eszköz

Nagy gép, kis eszköz

A projektorok kapcsán az egyik kényelem szempontjából előnytelen jellemző, hogy nem elég a készüléket egy gombbal bekapcsolni, hanem a képet be is...

Veszélyben a gáztűzhelyek

Veszélyben a gáztűzhelyek

Októberben jelent meg az Universitat Jaume I egyetem által készített tanulmány, amely a gázsütés okozta beltéri levegőszennyezés egészségügyi...

Kompakt és halk

Kompakt és halk

Az új dizájnt képviselő Caso AirFry 6.0 forrólevegős sütő kompakt, helytakarékos mérete ellenére meglehetősen nagy kapacitást kínál. A 280x280x390mm...

Indul a Samsung előfizetési program

Indul a Samsung előfizetési program

Decembertől a Samsung is azon márkák sorát gyarapítja, amelyek nem csak értékesítik termékeiket, de bérlési opciót is kínálnak azokra. A Dél-...

Terméktörténet a gépek mellé

Terméktörténet a gépek mellé

A Fnac-Darty csoport 4000 olyan felújított háztartási gépet árul, amelyeket a cég a 2024-es párizsi olimpiai és paralimpiai játékok támogatójaként...

Közelebb a vásárlókhoz

Közelebb a vásárlókhoz

Nyolc éve debütált az Alza a magyar piacon és mára annak megkerülhetetlen szereplőjévé vált. Nyolc év alatt sokat változott az e-kereskedelem akár a...